TF2 HUD Editing Guide
In-Depth: Engineer's Buildings
Everything to do with Engineer's buildings.
Build Menu
Engineer's Build menu. Shown when an engineer presses the 4 key. It shows the option to build or the reason why you can't for all four buildings.
All the resource files for the Build menu are in the build_menu sub-directory.
resource\ui\build_menu - within your custom HUD folder
The build menu is defined in many files. The main one being hudmenuengybuild.res, which defines the main build menu panel. Other files are loaded in as part of this main panel based on the status of your 4 buildings.
The buildings can have 4 states (with respect to the build menu), and based on those states, different resource files are loaded in to the build menu panel.
- base_active.res - Available
- base_cant_afford.res - Cannot Afford
- base_already_built.res - Already Built
These resource files take the place of the items (5,6,7 and 8 in the diagram) in hudmenuengybuild.res
Additonally, a furthur file is loaded to apply the corrent labelText to the labels. But these files do not need to be edited.
Control Contents of hudmenuengybuild.res
MainBackground | The big grey rectangle behind the whole menu panel. | |
Divider | 4 | The line dividing the title from the building stuff. |
BuildIcon | 1 | Build Icon |
BuildIconShadow | 1 | Build Icon Shadow |
TitleLabel | 2 | Build menu title label. |
TitleLabelDropshadow | 2 | Build menu title label shadow. |
CancelLabel | 3 | Label indicating the button to press to close the build menu. |
active_item_1 | 5 | Panel for Sentry Active - Visible when the Sentrygun isn't built and can be built. The following is loaded: base_active.res < sentry_active.res |
active_item_2 | 6 | Panel for Dispencer Active - Visible when the Dispencer isn't built and can be built. The following is loaded: base_active.res < dispencer_active.res |
active_item_3 | 7 | Panel for Teleporter Entrance Active - Visible when the Teleporter Entrance isn't built and can be built. The following is loaded: base_active.res < tele_entrance_active.res |
active_item_4 | 8 | Panel for Teleporter Exit Active - Visible when the Teleporter Exit isn't built and can be built. The following is loaded: base_active.res < tele_exit_active.res |
already_built_item_1 | 5 | Panel for Sentry is Built - Visible when the Sentrygun is already built. The following is loaded: base_already_built.res < sentry_already_built.res |
already_built_item_2 | 6 | Panel for Dispencer is Built - Visible when the Dispencer is already built. The following is loaded: base_already_built.res < dispenser_already_built.res |
already_built_item_3 | 7 | Panel for Teleporter Entrance is Built - Visible when the Teleporter Entrance is already built. The following is loaded: base_already_built.res < tele_entrance_already_built.res |
already_built_item_4 | 8 | Panel for Teleporter Exit is Built - Visible when the Teleporter Exit is already built. The following is loaded: base_already_built.res < tele_exit_already_built.res |
cant_afford_1 | 5 | Cant afford Sentry - Visible when you dont have enough metal to build a Sentrygun. The following is loaded: base_cant_afford.res < sentry_cant_afford.res |
cant_afford_2 | 6 | Cant afford Dispencer - Visible when you dont have enough metal to build a Dispencer. The following is loaded: base_cant_afford.res < dispenser_cant_afford.res |
cant_afford_3 | 7 | Cant afford Teleporter Entrance - Visible when you dont have enough metal to build a Teleporter Entrance. The following is loaded: base_cant_afford.res < tele_entrance_cant_afford.res |
cant_afford_4 | 8 | Cant afford Teleporter Exit - Visible when you dont have enough metal to build a Teleporter Exit. The following is loaded: base_cant_afford.res < tele_exit_cant_afford.res |
Build Menu in hudlayout.res
The build menu also has an entry in hudlayout.res, which defines its overall position (xpos and ypos) and size (wide and tall).
hudlayout.res > HudMenuEngyBuild
You will need to edit this.
Destroy Menu
Engineer's Destroy menu. Shown when an engineer presses the 5 key. It shows the option to destroy a building if it is built.
Like the Build menu, the destroy menu has a main resource file and other resource files are loaded into it based on the status of the building (built or not built).
All the resource files for the Build menu are in the destroy_menu sub-directory.
resource\ui\destroy_menu - within your custom HUD folder
The main file for the destroy menu is hudmenuengydestroy.res, the building states and their base files that are loaded in, are as follows:
- base_active.res - Building is built and can be destroyed.
- base_inactive.res - Building isn't built.
Control Contents of hudmenuengydestroy.res
MainBackground | The big grey rectangle behind the whole menu panel. | |
Divider | 4 | The line dividing the title from the building stuff. |
DestroyIcon | 1 | Explosion Icon |
TitleLabelDropshadow | 2 | Build menu title label shadow. |
TitleLabel | 2 | Build menu title label. |
CancelLabel | 3 | Label indicating the button to press to close the build menu. |
active_item_1 | 5 | Panel for Sentry Active - Visible when the Sentrygun can be destroyed. The following is loaded: base_active.res < sentry_active.res |
active_item_2 | 6 | Panel for Dispencer Active - Visible when the Dispencer can be destroyed. The following is loaded: base_active.res < dispencer_active.res |
active_item_3 | 7 | Panel for Teleporter Entrance Active - Visible when the Teleporter Entrance can be destroyed. The following is loaded: base_active.res < tele_entrance_active.res |
active_item_4 | 8 | Panel for Teleporter Exit Active - Visible when the Teleporter Exit can be destroyed. The following is loaded: base_active.res < tele_exit_active.res |
inactive_item_1 | 5 | Panel for Sentry Inactive - Visible when the Sentrygun can't be destroyed. The following is loaded: base_inactive.res < sentry_inactive.res |
inactive_item_2 | 6 | Panel for Dispencer Inactive - Visible when the Dispencer can't be destroyed. The following is loaded: base_inactive.res < dispencer_inactive.res |
inactive_item_3 | 7 | Panel for Teleporter Entrance Inactive - Visible when the Teleporter Entrance can't be destroyed. The following is loaded: base_inactive.res < tele_entrance_inactive.res |
inactive_item_4 | 8 | Panel for Teleporter Exit Inactive - Visible when the Teleporter Exit can't be destroyed. The following is loaded: base_inactive.res < tele_exit_inactive.res |
Destroy Menu in hudlayout.res
The destroy menu also has an entry in hudlayout.res, which defines its overall position (xpos and ypos) and size (wide and tall).
hudlayout.res > HudMenuEngyDestroy
You will need to edit this.
Building Status
The display on the Engineer's HUD that shows him the status of his buildings; whether they are built, their health, level, sentry's ammo and kills.
This is defined with an entry in hudlayout.res and several resource files that represent the buildings.
- hudlayout.res > BuildingStatus_Engineer
- hud_obj_sentrygun.res - 1 - Sentry gun stuff
- hud_obj_sentrygun_disp.res - 1 - Mini Sentrygun Stuff (Gunslinger)
- hud_obj_dispenser.res - 2 - Dispencer stuff
- hud_obj_tele_entrance.res - 3 - Teleporter Entrance stuff
- hud_obj_tele_exit.res - 4 - Teleporter Exit stuff
Eureka Effect Menu
The Eureka Effect is a melee weapon for the Engineer. It provides the ability for the Engineer to teleport to Spawn and his teleporter exit. It has a menu that shows the options of where to teleport.
Home base (spawn) is always displayed, and Teleporter Exit is displayed as an option if it is built.
The Eureka Effect menu has an entry in hudlayout.res as well as 3 resource files:
- hudlayout.res > HudEurekaEffectTeleportMenu - The Eureka Effect entry
- hudmenueurekaeffect.res - The main file for the menu
- base_active_teleport_target.res - Active Teleport Target: The spawn option and the teleporter exit option when its built
- base_unavailable_teleport_target.res - The teleporter exit when its not built, unavailable
The Pip-Boy is a cosmetic item for engineer, that provides a reskin for the build menu, destroy menu and Eureka Effect menu.
The files for this are exactly the same as the build menu, destroy menu and Eureka Effect menu, except they are in a slightly different folder.
- Build Menu: resource\ui\build_menu\pipboy
- Destroy Menu: resource\ui\destroy_menu\pipboy
- Eureka Effect menu: resource\ui\build_menu\pipboy
Simply edit these files as you would the default versions. It is necessary to edit the Pip-Boy files if you edited the default files.