TF2 HUD Editing Guide
Resource List
This is a list of the resource files and what they define in the HUD. I have seperated them into two catagories; menu and ingame. They are also grouped by folder.
Ingame Resource Files cover everything you see while playing the game (health, ammo, etc) and incldues all in game dialogs (such as "you are now defending")
Menu Resource Files cover everything else pretty much. The main menu, all menu dialogs, the store, the backpack, the mann vs machine lobby.
Some files don't have any information. Either I couldn't figure out what they did or they are fragments or other parts of the HUD. These small fragments often have no effect on the visual aspects of the entities they make up.
Note: Core Files are excluded from this list. They are here: hudlayout.res, clientscheme.res, hudanimations_tf.txt and sourcescheme.res.
This list was last updated 1-November-2014.
In-Game Resource Files
resource\ui\ | |
abusereportsubmitdialog.res | Abuse Report dialog |
annotationspanelcallout.res | Ingame Callout panel. Used in training mode |
cheatdetectiondialog.res | The dialog a player gets when they are detected for cheats. VAC or item stuff. |
classmenu.res | |
classselection.res | Choose Class menu when you join a server |
classtipsitem.res | |
classtipslist.res | |
coachedbypanel.res | Coached by ingame hud panel. information shown when you're being coached |
controlpointcountdown.res | the countdown number that appeats at the beginign of koth/cp maps at the bottom of the screen |
controlpointicon.res | Control Point icon - including timer and status |
controlpointprogressbar.res | Panel that appears when a point is being capped or you're standing on a point |
disguisestatuspanel.res | Spy disguse status: health, weapon and name of your disguise. See Spy's Disguise |
enemycountpanel.res | MVM wave information. What robots will be attacking. |
flagcalloutpanel.res | |
flagstatus.res | Intelligence Pointer on CTF and MvM |
freezepanelcallout.res | |
freezepanelkillerhealth.res | Extra Images for freezecam killer health |
freezepanel_basic.res | Freezecam of your killer. the health and stuff. |
giveawayitempanel.res | |
healthiconpanel.res | |
hudaccountpanel.res | Engineer Metal and Metal Icon |
hudachievementfloatingnumber.res | |
hudachievementtrackeritem.res | Achievements added to the HUD |
hudammoweapons.res | Clip Ammo and Reserve Ammo for most weapons. See Weapon Meters |
hudarenacappointcountdown.res | Countdown number for the point in ARENA mode. on top of the point hud thing at the bottom of the screen. |
hudarenaclasslayout.res | Dialog that appears at the begining of an ARENA round showing you your teams class makeup. |
hudarenanotification.res | ARENA playing notification - tells you if you're playing or not |
hudarenaplayercount.res | ARENA live player count - at top middle of screen |
hudarenateammenu.res | ARENA mode team menu - fight or spec |
hudarenavspanel.res | |
hudarenawinpanel.res | ARENA mode win/loss dialog |
hudbosshealth.res | Halloween Boss Health |
hudbowcharge.res | Weapon Meter - Huntsman - See Weapon Meters |
hudcurrencyaccount.res | |
huddamageaccount.res | Damage Numbers - text showing you how much damage you do, need to have hud_combattext set to 1 |
huddemomancharge.res | Charge Meter that is loaded into huddemomanpipes.res |
huddemomanpipes.res | Weapon Meter - Demoman Sticky Launchers and Shields - See Weapon Meters |
hudhealthaccount.res | |
hudinspectpanel.res | Inspect Panel - shows another players item, while youre in a server with them - Press F while looking at another player |
huditemeffectmeter.res | Weapon Meter - sandman, wrap assasin, buff banner, concheror, battalions backup, phlogistinator, sandvich, buffalo steak sandvich, invis watch, dead ringer - See Weapon Meters |
huditemeffectmeter_cleaver.res | Weapon Meter - Flying Guillotine - See Weapon Meters |
huditemeffectmeter_demoman.res | Head count for the Eyelander - See Weapon Meters |
huditemeffectmeter_engineer.res | Crit count for the man melter and the frontier justice - See Weapon Meters |
huditemeffectmeter_heavy.res | |
huditemeffectmeter_kartcharge.res | |
huditemeffectmeter_killstreak.res | Your Killstreak Count |
huditemeffectmeter_particlecannon.res | Ammo Meter - Cow Mangler - See Weapon Meters |
huditemeffectmeter_pomson.res | Ammo Meter - Pomson - See Weapon Meters |
huditemeffectmeter_powerupbottle.res | Mann vs Machine Canteen |
huditemeffectmeter_raygun.res | Ammo Meter - Righteous Bison - See Weapon Meters |
huditemeffectmeter_sapper.res | |
huditemeffectmeter_scout.res | Weapon Meter - bonk! atomic punch, crit-a-cola, mad milk - See Weapon Meters |
huditemeffectmeter_sniper.res | Head count for the Bazaar Bargain - See Weapon Meters |
huditemeffectmeter_sniperfocus.res | Weapon Meter - Hitman's Heatmaker - See Weapon Meters |
huditemeffectmeter_sodapopper.res | Weapon Meter - Soda Popper, Baby Face's Blaster - See Weapon Meters |
huditemeffectmeter_spy.res | Crit count for the Diamondback - See Weapon Meters |
huditemeffectmeter_spyknife.res | Weapon Meter - Spycicle - See Weapon Meters |
hudmannvsmachinestatus.res | Mann vs Machine mode display - wave info, boss health, etc |
hudmediccharge.res | Weapon Meter - Medic Ubercharge percentage and Charge bar - See Weapon Meters |
hudmenutauntselection.res | Taunt Menu - shown when you have a taunt equiped and press G |
hudminigame_base.res | |
hudminigame_collection.res | |
hudminigame_platform.res | |
hudminigame_soccer.res | |
hudminigame_soccersuddendeath.res | |
hudobjectiveflagpanel.res | Flag/Intelligence display for CTF mode |
hudobjectivekothtimepanel.res | Timer displays for KOTH mode |
hudobjectiverobotdestruction.res | Robot Destruction Game-mode HUD Elements |
hudobjectivestatus.res | |
hudobjectivetimepanel.res | Round Timer for various game modes |
hudplayerclass.res | Player Class Image and Spy Disguise Image in the bottom left |
hudplayerhealth.res | Health and health status images (milk, marked for death, bleeding) |
hudpvewinpanel.res | Mann vs Machine win dialog |
hudspellselection.res | |
hudstalemate.res | |
hudstopwatch.res | Stopwatch Shown in Tournament Mode - time to beat |
hudtournament.res | Tournament Mode - setup panel - top middle |
hudtournamentsetup.res | Tournament Mode - team name/status dialog |
hudtraining.res | Positioning for training hud things |
hudtrainingmsg.res | Training instruction messages |
hudupgradepanel.res | Mann vs Machine Upgrage dialog |
hudwarcount.res | WAR mode demos/soldiers killed |
hudweaponselection.res | |
hud_obj_dispenser.res | Dispencer Display - Engineer |
hud_obj_sapper.res | Placed Sapper Display - Spy |
hud_obj_sentrygun.res | Sentry Display - Engineer |
hud_obj_sentrygun_disp.res | Mini-Sentry Display - Engineer |
hud_obj_tele.res | |
hud_obj_tele_entrance.res | Teleporter Entrance Display - Engineer |
hud_obj_tele_exit.res | Teleporter Exit Display - Engineer |
intromenu.res | Video explanation screen when playing game types for the first few times |
itemquickswitch.res | ingame loadout stuff. must be bound: "+quickswitch" |
layeredmappanel.res | Container frame for Map Info dialog |
layeredmappanelitem.res | |
layeredmappaneltooltip.res | |
leaderboardentry.res | |
mapinfomenu.res | Map Info dialog - shown when joining a server |
mediccallerpanel.res | Medic call speech bubble - you see over someones head when they call for medic |
mvmbombcarrierprogresspanel.res | Mann vs Machine bomb carrier level up progress stuff |
mvmcreditspendpanel.res | Mann vs Machine - |
mvmcreditsubpanel.res | Mann vs Machine - |
mvmeconrequirementdialog.res | Mann vs Machine - |
mvminworldcurrency.res | |
mvmscoreboard.res | Mann vs Machine - Scoreboard |
mvmscoreboardenemyinfo.res | Mann vs Machine - |
mvmstatentry.res | Mann vs Machine - |
mvmvictorycontainer.res | Mann vs Machine - Victory - container |
mvmvictorymannupentry.res | Mann vs Machine - Victory - mann up content |
mvmvictorymannuploot.res | Mann vs Machine - Victory - mann up content |
mvmvictorymannuppanel.res | Mann vs Machine - Victory - mann up content |
mvmvictorymannuptab.res | |
mvmvictorypanel.res | Mann vs Machine - Victory - normal |
mvmvictorysplash.res | Mann vs Machine - Victory - normal |
mvmwavelosspanel.res | Mann vs Machine - Lost Dialog |
navigationpaneltest.res | |
newrecipefounddialog.res | |
objectivestatusescort.res | Payload Game-mode display - cart and track at the bottom of the screen |
objectivestatusmultipleescort.res | Payload Race Game-mode display - carts and tracks at the bottom of the screen |
revivedialog.res | |
robotdestructionstatus.res | |
roundinfo.res | |
scoreboard.res | Score board and map stats (kills, deaths, etc) - when you press TAB |
selectplayerdialog.res | |
selectplayerdialog_coach.res | |
selectplayerdialog_duel.res | Select a player to challenge to a duel dialog |
servernotconnectedtosteam.res | |
spectator.res | Spectator HUD - Waiting to Respawn stuff |
spectatorcoach.res | |
spectatorguihealth.res | Target ID Health Box - See Target ID |
spectatortournament.res | Tournament Mode - Spectator HUD - Waiting to Respawn stuff |
spectatortournamentguihealth.res | Tournament Mode - Target ID Health Box |
statpanel_base.res | |
tankprogressbar.res | Mann vs Machine - |
tankstatuspanel.res | Mann vs Machine - |
targetid.res | Name and Health Panel for who you're looking at - See Target ID |
tauntcallerpanel.res | |
teammenu.res | Team Select Menu - when you join a server |
textwindow.res | MOTD - when you enter a server |
textwindowcustomserver.res | MOTD - when you enter a server |
tfhudrobotdestruction_activestate.res | |
tfhudrobotdestruction_deadstate.res | |
tfhudrobotdestruction_robotindicator.res | |
tfhudrobotdestruction_shieldedstate.res | |
trainingcomplete.res | Dialog shown when you complete a leg of training |
trainingdialog.res | |
trainingdialog_old.res | |
trainingitempanel.res | |
upgradeboxdialog.res | Mann vs Machine - |
upgradebuypanel.res | Mann vs Machine - Upgrade vendor dialog |
videopanel.res | |
votehud.res | |
waitingforplayerspanel.res | |
wavecompletesummarypanel.res | Mann vs Machine - Wave complete dialog |
wavestatuspanel.res | Mann vs Machine - Wave status |
winpanel.res | Most Valuable Player and Score - round end dialog |
xboxdialogs.res |
Build Menu
Resource files for Engineer's build menu. See Engineer's Buildings.
resource\ui\build_menu\ | |
base_active.res | build menu - active - base file |
base_active_teleport_target.res | eureka menu - active - base file |
base_already_built.res | build menu - already built - base file |
base_cant_afford.res | build menu - not enough metal - base file |
base_selectable.res | build menu - buildable - base file |
base_unavailable.res | build menu - not available - base file |
base_unavailable_teleport_target.res | eureka menu - unavailable teleport target - base file |
dispenser_active.res | build menu - dispencer active |
dispenser_already_built.res | build menu - dispencer already built |
dispenser_cant_afford.res | build menu - dispencer not enough metal |
dispenser_selectable.res | build menu - dispencer buildable |
dispenser_unavailable.res | build menu - dispencer not available |
eureka_target_home_avail.res | eureka menu - active - spawnroom/home |
eureka_target_home_unavail.res | eureka menu - unavailable teleport target - spawnroom/home |
eureka_target_tele_exit_avail.res | eureka menu - active - teleporter exit |
eureka_target_tele_exit_unavail.res | eureka menu - unavailable teleport target - teleporter exit |
hudmenuengybuild.res | Build Menu main file - defines layout and style - all other files are loaded into this one |
hudmenueurekaeffect.res | Eureka Effect Menu main file - defines layout and style - all other files are loaded in |
sentry_active.res | build menu - sentry active |
sentry_already_built.res | build menu - sentry already built |
sentry_cant_afford.res | build menu - sentry not enough metal |
sentry_selectable.res | build menu - sentry buildable |
sentry_unavailable.res | build menu - sentry not available |
tele_entrance_active.res | build menu - teleporter entrance active |
tele_entrance_already_built.res | build menu - teleporter entrance already built |
tele_entrance_cant_afford.res | build menu - teleporter entrance not enough metal |
tele_entrance_unavailable.res | build menu - teleporter entrance not available |
tele_exit_active.res | build menu - teleporter exit active |
tele_exit_already_built.res | build menu - teleporter exit already built |
tele_exit_cant_afford.res | build menu - teleporter exit not enough metal |
tele_exit_unavailable.res | build menu - teleporter exit not available |
tele_selectable.res | build menu - teleporter selectable |
Destroy Menu
Resource files for Engineer's destroy menu. See Engineer's Buildings.
resource\ui\destroy_menu\ | |
base_active.res | built base |
base_inactive.res | not built base |
dispenser_active.res | dispencer built |
dispenser_inactive.res | dispencer not built |
hudmenuengydestroy.res | Destroy Menu main file - defines layout and style - all other files are loaded into this one |
sentry_active.res | sentry built |
sentry_inactive.res | sentry not built |
tele_entrance_active.res | teleporter entrance built |
tele_entrance_inactive.res | teleporter entrance not built |
tele_exit_active.res | teleporter exit built |
tele_exit_inactive.res | teleporter exit not built |
There is an entirely seperate set of build menu and destroy menu files for the Pip-Boy, nested within the build menu and destroy menu folders.
resource\ui\build_menu\ - resource\ui\build_menu\pipboy\
resource\ui\destroy_menu\ - resource\ui\destroy_menu\pipboy\
These provide the alternate skin for the build and destroy menus when the Pip-Boy cosmetic is equiped. See Engineer's Buildings.
Disguise Menu
Resource files for Spy's disguise menu. See Spys Disguise.
resource\ui\disguise_menu\ | |
demoman_blue.res | class image - demoman |
demoman_red.res | class image - demoman |
engineer_blue.res | class image - engineer |
engineer_red.res | class image - engineer |
heavy_blue.res | class image - heavy |
heavy_red.res | class image - heavy |
hudmenuspydisguise.res | Spy Disguise Menu main file - defines layout and style - all other files are loaded in |
medic_blue.res | class image - medic |
medic_red.res | class image - medic |
pyro_blue.res | class image - pyro |
pyro_red.res | class image - pyro |
scout_blue.res | class image - scout |
scout_red.res | class image - scout |
sniper_blue.res | class image - sniper |
sniper_red.res | class image - sniper |
soldier_blue.res | class image - soldier |
soldier_red.res | class image - soldier |
spy_blue.res | class image - spy |
spy_red.res | class image - spy |
Resource files for in-game notifications. See Notifications.
resource\ui\ | |
hudalert.res | Team Ballance alert - teams will be balanced soon |
hudkillstreaknotice.res | Someone on the server has reached a Killstreak milestone. |
hudteamgoal.res | After teams swap, your new teams goal is shown |
hudteamgoaltournament.res | After teams swap, your new teams goal is shown - tournament mode |
hudteamswitch.res | You have been switched to the other team for balance (usually after dying) |
resource\ui\notifications\ | |
base_notification.res | In game notification base - defines the style/layout of many notifications |
notify_enemy_flag_captured_blue.res | Details loaded into base_notification.res for: enemy flag capture - blue |
notify_enemy_flag_captured_red.res | Details loaded into base_notification.res for: enemy flag capture - red |
notify_enemy_flag_dropped_blue.res | Details loaded into base_notification.res for: enemy flag dropped - blue |
notify_enemy_flag_dropped_red.res | Details loaded into base_notification.res for: enemy flag dropped - red |
notify_enemy_flag_returned_blue.res | Details loaded into base_notification.res for: enemy flag returned - blue |
notify_enemy_flag_returned_red.res | Details loaded into base_notification.res for: enemy flag returned - red |
notify_enemy_flag_taken_blue.res | Details loaded into base_notification.res for: enemy flag taken - blue |
notify_enemy_flag_taken_red.res | Details loaded into base_notification.res for: enemy flag taken - red |
notify_golden_wrench.res | |
notify_how_to_control_ghost.res | Details loaded into base_notification.res for: how to control ghost |
notify_how_to_control_kart.res | Details loaded into base_notification.res for: cant uber with flag - blue |
notify_no_invuln_with_flag_blue.res | Details loaded into base_notification.res for: cant uber with flag - blue |
notify_no_invuln_with_flag_red.res | Details loaded into base_notification.res for: cant uber with flag - red |
notify_no_tele_with_flag_blue.res | Details loaded into base_notification.res for: cant tele with flag - blue |
notify_no_tele_with_flag_red.res | Details loaded into base_notification.res for: cant tele with flag - red |
notify_special.res | |
notify_touching_enemy_ctf_cap_blue.res | |
notify_touching_enemy_ctf_cap_red.res | |
notify_rd_robot_attacked_blue.res | |
notify_rd_robot_attacked_red.res | |
notify_your_flag_captured_blue.res | Details loaded into base_notification.res for: your flag captured - blue |
notify_your_flag_captured_red.res | Details loaded into base_notification.res for: your flag captured - red |
notify_your_flag_dropped_blue.res | Details loaded into base_notification.res for: your flag dropped - blue |
notify_your_flag_dropped_red.res | Details loaded into base_notification.res for: your flag dropped - red |
notify_your_flag_returned_blue.res | Details loaded into base_notification.res for: your flag returned - blue |
notify_your_flag_returned_red.res | Details loaded into base_notification.res for: your flag returned - red |
notify_your_flag_taken_blue.res | Details loaded into base_notification.res for: your flag taken - blue |
notify_your_flag_taken_red.res | Details loaded into base_notification.res for: your flag taken - red |
Menu Resource Files
resource\ | |
gamemenu.res | All the buttons on the main menu. See Main Menu |
resource\ui\ | |
achievementsdialog.res | Achievement Dialog - default source engine ui |
charinfoloadoutsubpanel.res | Loadout Main Page content - select a class, backpack, crafting, catalog |
charinfopanel.res | Loadout/Stats frame |
classloadoutpanel.res | Class Loadout |
charinfoarmorysubpanel.res | Mann co. Item Catalog |
craftingpanel.res | Crafting Page content |
craftingstatusdialog.res | progress dialog that appears when crafting |
dynamicrecipepanel.res | |
importfiledialog.res | |
importfiletexteditdialog.res | |
importmaterialeditdialog.res | |
importpreviewitempanel.res | |
itemoptionspanel.res | |
itemrenamedialog.res | Rename Item Dialog - using nametag in backpack |
itemrenameinvaliddialog.res | Invalid name - nametag rename |
itemrenameconfirmationdialog.res | Rename Confirmation Dialog when using a nametag in backpack |
itemselectionpanel.res | Item selection - when choosing an item to craft or equip |
itemslotpanel.res | |
loadoutpresetpanel.res | A, B, C and D buttons in loadout |
lobbycontainerframe.res | Mann vs. Machine lobby frame |
lobbypanel.res | Mann vs. Machine lobby content |
mainmenuoverride.res | Everything on the main menu: buttons, tf2 logo, character image. Main Menu Notifications. News Dialog (motd). Main Menu Tooltips. Main menu explanation dialogs. See Main Menu |
mainmenu_saxxyawards.res | Saxxy Awards dialog |
publishedfilebrowserdialog.res | |
publishfiledialog.res | |
quickplaybusydialog.res | Quicklay Searching for Servers dialog - when you click "Play Now" |
quickplaydialog.res | Quicklay Dialog |
saxxyawards_submitform.res | |
selectmosthelpfulfrienddialog.res | Select Most helpful friend - when F2P account upgrades to premium. More Info |
stampdonationadd.res | |
statsummary.res | Stats Summary on the loading screen. Map info loading screen. |
statsummary_embedded.res | Stats Summary from the Main Menu > Loadout/Stats |
steamworkshopdialog.res | |
steamworkshopitem.res | |
testitembotcontrols.res | |
testitemdialog.res | |
testitemroot.res | |
tfadvancedoptionsdialog.res | TF2 Advanced Options dialog |
viewrecipespanel.res | |
vrcalibration.res | |
resource\ui\econ\ | |
backpackpanel.res | Backpack panel content |
comboboxbackpackoverlaydialog.res | backpack - style select dialog |
confirmapplycardupgradeapplicationdialog.res | Confirm Tool Use: Magic Spells - 2012 halloween items |
confirmapplydecodedialog.res | |
confirmapplygiftwrapdialog.res | Confirm Tool Use: Gift Wrap |
confirmapplypaintcandialog.res | Confirm Tool Use: Paint |
confirmapplystrangepartapplicationdialog.res | Confirm Tool Use: Strange Part |
confirmapplystrangerestrictionapplicationdialog.res | |
confirmapplystrangifierdialog.res | |
confirmapplyteamcolorpaintcandialog.res | Confirm Tool Use: Team Paint |
confirmcustomizetexturedialog.res | |
confirmdialogabandonnopenalty.res | Mann vs Machine abandon game - no penalty |
confirmdialogabandonpenalty.res | Mann vs Machine abandon game - penalty |
confirmdialogabandonsafe.res | Mann vs Machine abandon game |
confirmdialogoptout.res | |
confirmitempreviewdialog.res | Item Test Run dialog - from Catalog |
confirmspellbookpageapplicationdialog.res | |
confirmtransmogrifyapplicationdialog.res | |
genericnotificationtoast.res | |
genericnotificationtoastmainmenu.res | |
genericwaitingdialog.res | |
inputstringforitembackpackoverlaydialog.res | |
itemdiscardpanel.res | Discard Item dialog - when you get an item with full backpack |
itemmodelpanel.res | Item Box - all the slots in the backpack |
itempickuppanel.res | View New Items dialog |
notificationqueuepanel.res | |
notificationspresentpanel.res | You have Notifications - box that appears (not ingame) telling you have a notification on main menu |
notificationtoastcontainer.res | |
notificationtoastcontrol.res | Main Menu Notification content |
tradingpanel.res | Old Trading Window - no longer used |
tradingstartdialog.res | Start Trade dialog - from loadout/stats |
resource\ui\econ\store\v2\ | |
storehome_base.res | Store - Home Content |
storehome_freetrial.res | Store - Home Content - free to play |
storehome_premium.res | Store - Home Content - permium |
storeitemcontrols.res | |
storemapstampsinfodialog.res | Store - Map Stamp explanation dialog |
storepage.res | Store Page - Layout |
storepage_bundles.res | Store Bundles Page |
storepage_items.res | Store Items Page |
storepage_maps.res | Store Maps Page |
storepanel.res | Store dialog frame |
storepreviewitempanel.res | Store - item preview |
storepreviewitempanel_fullscreen.res | Store - item preview fullscreen |
storepreviewitempanel_maps.res | Store - item preview map stamps |
storeviewcartpanel.res | Store - View Cart |
resource\ui\training\ | |
main.res | Training and Practice main frame |
basictraining\classdetails.res | Training Class Selected Content |
basictraining\classpanel.res | Choose Class control type |
basictraining\classselection.res | Training Class Selection content |
modeselection\modepanel.res | Training and Practice choose mode content |
modeselection\modeselection.res | Training and Practice choose mode container |
offlinepractice\mapselection.res | Practice Map selection content |
offlinepractice\practicemodeselection.res | Practice Game type selection content |