TF2 HUD Editing Guide
Sections on this Page:
In-Depth: Target ID
Target IDs are the little displays of name and health you see when looking at a team member or are healing/being-healed.

hudlayout.res Entries
Target IDs are used for three seperate things. Editing the resource files for Target IDs will change the appearance of all three.
These three uses are instances of a Target ID and are shown at specific times.
All three uses have a hudlayout.res entry.
Instance | Condition | Shown When/For | hudlayout.res Entry |
Main | Alive and on a team |
| CMainTargetID |
Secondary | Alive and on a team |
| CSecondaryTargetID |
Spectator | Dead or in Spectate | Who you are spectating | CSpectatorTargetID |
Note: The health cross for the main target ID is floating above the players head.
Resource Files
The Target ID is defined in targetid.res and spectatorguihealth.res

targetid.res (1 in diagram)
This resource file defines the overall layout of the Target IDs.
Control | What it is |
TargetIDBG | The background box of Main and Secondary Target IDs |
TargetIDBG_Spec_Blue | The background box of the Spectator Target ID - When spectating a blue team member |
TargetIDBG_Spec_Red | The background box of the Spectator Target ID - When spectating a red team member |
TargetNameLabel |
TargetDataLabel |
SpectatorGUIHealth | The instance of spectatorguihealth.res |
AmmoIcon | Icon displayed when you see the ammo of the person you are healing |
KillStreakIcon | Icon displayed when the player you are spectating has a killstreak |
MoveableSubPanel | Icon displayed when you can pick up the building you are looking at (engineer only) |
spectatorguihealth.res (2 in diagram)
This resource file defines the health cross and number, which is loaded into each Target ID.
Control | What it is |
PlayerStatusHealthImage | Health cross |
PlayerStatusHealthImageBG | Black line around health cross |
BuildingStatusHealthImageBG | Background image when viewing the health of a building |
PlayerStatusHealthBonusImage | Overheal image - only displayed when the player has an overheal |
PlayerStatusHealthValue | The players health - text label |
PlayerStatusPlayerLevel |